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" - the most reasoned discussion on the Net"


At election time, vote If you don't believe in any of the candidates (which is going to be most of the time) then write-in this site in as your vote on all ballots as a protest. It is, in essence, a vote for none of the above (which unfortunately is not a choice in most electoral systems). This is not a wasted vote. When you see mainstream candidate A get 47% of the vote to mainstream candidate B with 45%, that means 8% of the vote went to other candidates or spoiled ballots. We want to increase that figure to 10% or 20%, and then 30% and 40% as a way of not only protesting the system, but also eventually to bring it down for purposeful change. This is the site's primary purpose. You are not being represented by superior peers in representative systems. They do not care if you do not vote, that does not matter to them. The only way to shame them is to drive down the percentage by which they "win" election. They cannot avoid reporting win percentages, and by voting we can bring down the system to build a new one.

This site is not Democratic. It is not Republican. It is not affiliated with, nor endorse any third party. It agrees in some areas and disagrees elsewhere with any or all parties. The site hopes to remove citizens from the tribal affiliation of political parties, and have new candidates run independently. The main problem is that even when we agree with a position a Democratic or Republican politician takes, they rarely act on their words. The parties are useless and need to be consigned to the historical scrap bin.

We discuss these and many other issues on this site. We hope you find it stimulating. We are always in motion and evolving. Please bookmark us and spread the word if you like the content.

"It's very easy to be different, but very difficult to be better."
- Jony Ive